TVA OIG - Office of the Inspector General

Ben R. Wagner was sworn in as Inspector General of the Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) on June 6, 2022, following confirmation by the United States Senate.

Ben Wagner's professional career with TVA spanned 38 years of dedicated service. The majority of his career included 31 years of service to the Office of the Inspector General (OIG) at TVA. Prior to his retirement in 2017, he served in several senior executive positions in the TVA OIG including the role of Senior Advisor, Stakeholder Relations and Deputy Inspector General where he led the audits, evaluations, investigations, and administrative functions. In addition to these senior executive roles, Wagner held several leadership positions in the audits, evaluations, and administrative functions with the TVA OIG and was integral to the start-up of the office after it was established at TVA in 1985. In the seven years before joining the TVA OIG, Wagner also held various management and staff positions in TVA, primarily in the nuclear power program. Prior to that, he served as a state auditor for the State of Tennessee.

Wagner was born in New Mexico, but has resided in the Tennessee Valley region for the majority of his life, receiving his bachelor's degree in accounting from the University of Tennessee.

TVA OIG - Office of the Inspector General


I am pleased to present our report for the period October 1, 2023, to March 31, 2024. Serving in our oversight role, the Office of the Inspector General (OIG) continues to identify risks to operations, ways to save or recover money, make recommendations to improve operations, and prevent and detect fraud, waste, and abuse. In this semiannual period, our audit, evaluation, and investigative activities identified more than $13 million in questioned costs; recoveries, fees, and fines; waste/other monetary loss; and opportunities for Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) to improve its programs and operations. Below are highlights of our work this period.

  • Five contract compliance audits identified potential overbillings of $2.1 million.
  • An audit of TVA's Pandemic Relief Credit determined better controls were needed to ensure the Time of Use portion of the credit was passed to local power company customers.
  • An audit of early payment discounts on vendor invoices found TVA was not receiving all available discounts.
  • An evaluation of TVA's compliance with Section 26a of the TVA Act regarding management of obstructions affecting the Tennessee River system found TVA's oversight is not adequate to ensure the Section 26a permit process is effective.
  • An evaluation of TVA's preemployment investigation and onboarding processes found TVA was not always performing preemployment suitability and onboarding steps in a timely manner.
  • An evaluation of TVA's Radiological Respiratory Protection Program found selected respiratory requirements we reviewed were being performed as required at TVA's nuclear plants.
  • Our investigative results include six indictments/ informations, two convictions, a pretrial diversion, and recoveries to TVA or other entities totaling about $200,000.

Since its beginning in 1933, TVA has relied on its ability to build significant generation assets to electrify the Tennessee Valley. Today, TVA is facing many challenges to meet growing electricity demand while balancing reliability and low rates. In the next 4 years, TVA is expected to spend at least $18 billion to build generation and upgrade transmission assets, making this the next large construction period in TVA history. Learn more about these evolving challenges in our Emerging Risk Brief.

Our audit and evaluation teams are organized around key risk areas in TVA, including contracts, cybersecurity, financial, and operational. As TVA is evolving to meet challenges now and in the future, we too are evolving to provide additional oversight and insight of these evolving risk areas. In October, we realigned one of our evaluations groups to focus on TVA major capital project management. This allows us to provide more direct focus on TVA's capital project management processes and the planned $18 billion spend.

I am proud of the work our office has completed in this semiannual period and grateful for our team's commitment to do work that can help make TVA better.

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